Create a doc_qa Digital Human
This section is meant to help you create a new digital human leveraging the doc_qa operationMode.
The complete process is done using the POST /head/create endpoint.
The following code snipped shows you how to create a very simple Digital Human operating in Document-Based Q&A mode.
Please refer to the for more details and Create a Digital Human for more infomation of the POST endpoint.
At this point, your Digital Human is now live and can be accessed via the URL found in the publicUrl property of the response.
Take note of th generated headId which you will use for the following steps, and any time you need to update your digital human
While you can access your Digital Human, it is still not functional at this stage, since it does not have a knowledge base document provided.
All doc_qa Digital Humans require a knowledge document to be uploade. To do so, you then need to use the Document Upload endpoint
At this point, your Digital Human is now live and can be accessed via the URL found in the publicUrl property of the CREATE head response.
Retrieve head information using GET head/{Id}
In the response, review the dynamically generated suggestions and Update them as required.
At this point, your Digital Human is fully converational live and can be accessed via the URL found in the publicUrl property of the response.